This blog is a journal of our experiences in Russia.
I can't believe I forgot to put this on here!! This is a picture, taken from our window (yes, I did open it, hang out of it, and snap a pic...i couldn't pass this opportunity by) of a Russian funeral. And, yes, this is a dead russian lady, laying out in an open coffin in the "parking lot" in front of our apartment building. I couldn't believe my eyes---I told our nanny that you wouldn't ever see this in the states :) Apparently here the 3 day old deceased person is laid out in front of their home for about 1 hour so friends and family can visit/pay their respects. Then, they are transported in the truck (seen below) which is open in the back. Two guys sit with the body in the back of the truck on the way to the cemetary and toss fir greenery out the back. I am told that this is so the deceased person can find their way back home after they are buried.
I HAD to share this pic as I thought it was too interesting not to. I was actually walking home from the market when I saw this in front of the building. I walked right beside the lady, and could hardly believe my eyes! I came directly up, and got the camera out!
Hello, again! I thought you might like to see what we have been up to.... First off, is the picture of our glamorous kitchen right after Paulie attacked it with cereal. He climbed up onto the table, proceeded to pour the cereal out all over, stir it around, and put some on the floor. I think this was about the 3rd time he has done this--I hope he is tired of this game now--mommy and daddy sure are :)
The next picture shows me with the other expat wives--my new friends :) From left to right it is Juli, Nigar, Natalia, Truda, and Jolene. We get together at least twice a week, which is so nice! It is so nice to be able to speak english with several women--I will never take that for granted again! Anyway, the pic was taken Friday night at Truda's house. She had a little get together for all of the expats in Nizh. There were probably 15 people there, and everyone there spoke english! Wonderful! ......more to come later! love, J