hello! It has been an interesting week in Nizh! It is finally getting warmer, and the snow is melting (which makes it interesting to get around)! There is water everywhere, and the drainage system leaves quite a bit to be desired...Thank God for my ugly, unrussian, Merrill boots--they are waterproof and allow me to wade through the water "puddles"!

Emma and Paul were sick this last week and weekend. We had to call the russian doctor to look at Paulie...that was interesting! Here, they will come to your apartment, and it is free! so, the dr. and nurse came over and took Paul's temp, and gave him a shot of Analgin. This did reduce his fever, but it came bak :( The fever broke finally on Sunday...whew!
Being the graceful woman I am, I had a little injury myself...I cut my thumb on the lid of canned pinapple...it was very deep, and should of had stiches...but since we are in Russia, and everyone reccomended that I NOT go to the hospital, we had Igor (our driver and all around do it himself man) come and fix me up. He did a great job, and it is finally healing :)
Well, the kids are fussy, so I better run...keep your eyes open for pics of life as it is in russia.... until then!!!!! j
Happy Easter! Glad everyone in on the mend. Love, W
Hi! It was great to see your updated blog and see what you have been up to. Glad you are meeting some nice people. The laundry sounds like a drag but I bet you'll be able to impress some peeps with your chocolate chip cookies!! Sounds like an advendture for sure!! Especially the shopping! Im too old for that part. Ilve you and miss you! can't wait to see you again!1 Have fun when the spring time gets there. Love from your FA.
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