Hello! here are some new pics describing life in russia. The first one is of Paul and his new rash...we called his pediatrician in the states yesterday, and she told us it is a virus called Roseola. It isn't a big deal and should go away after a few days. Thank you, God!! The other pics don't need too much explaination :)
I'm sure you will appreciate the ingenuity of the "ashtray" in our stairwell, as well as the bathtub that was left in the middle of the stairs!

The needle I saw in the middle of the sidewalk...I have heard there is quite the drug problem here, as this is a relatively common sight. Ugghhh! The photo of the intersection is very common right now. The snow is really melting, and you basically swim everywhere. In fact, Lee, on his way to work yesterday, stepped on some ice, it busted, and his whole foot was submerged in water. Not a fun way to start a Monday, huh?! It has been above freezing for the past several days, so there isn't nearly as much snow left! Yay!! However, I heard we are to get another cold front within the next few days :(
I did finally go jeans shopping yesterday! Tatiana told me about a shop, so I went, and tried on about 30 pairs of jeans until i found some that were suitable for russia. By suitable, I mean TIGHT! I decided I no longer wanted to be laughed at by adolescents when wearing my baggy american jeans. So, now I am officially a russki woman....jeans and all :) Heeled boots to come later :) ha ha! I love you all! J
1 comment:
Hi Juli-
I LOVE reading about your experiences...your pics are GREAT! I am so glad that things seem to be going fairly well! I would love to send you a care package...(sent you an email a while back)...let me know where to send it! Miss you!
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