Hello! We are doing well here in Nizhnevartovsk! The weather is finally turing warmer, and the snow is almost gone! Today, it was 19 degrees celcius--about 65 or so for you in the states :) Nice! Here is a new pic of Emma in her dance class--the girl in the yellow skirt is Alisha, and is the friend we have had over. Next up is Paul--climbing on the exposed pipes, up onto the bathtub, and then into the sink. Yes, this is our only bathroom--and yes, that is the washer you see on the left. It doesn't work too well for everyone to try to get ready at the same time every day :)

Paul is then shown modeling his new favorite outfit--his diaper! And he even complements it with a pink doll carrier! Way to go, buddy! I see blackmail in your future :) He is as onery as he is cute!
The last picture is of the kids playing with their pails and shovels in the snow at the river. You can see the Ob River in the background...there is still ice on it, but as you can see it is breaking up.
More pics to follow in the next post! i love you! j

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