Sunday, April 22, 2007

Hi again! I had several pics I wanted to post, so I had to do it in two...Here is Paulie playing at the playground outside of our apartment building. Next is a picture of a park in the center of town, which I call the snow park, because when I first got here, it was the place that had the big slides, ice sculptures, etc. Amazing how different it looks now :) It still isn't clean, but I've heard that it never is. I think I will have to start carrying around plastic sacks with me so I can pick up the broken beer bottles that have been discarded the previous night.....
The other pics of the kids are from the baby club at our church. We were doing fingerpainting which they enjoyed immensely :) I think I had to throw away the onesie paul was wearing~!

1 comment:

WH said...

PRECIOUS PICTURES! Dade is VERY jealous of the new fashion statement in Russia. I told him it's just not popular here yet :) Plus he doesn't have a sister to borrow the cool backpack! Love you all!