Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Well, I am sitting at my computer, bored, wondering what to do next.  It isn't as if I don't have things that need to be done, it is just I might not want to do them.  Nice attitude, huh?!  Paul has been home sick for about 2 weeks.  At first it was a virus and removal of his ear tubes, then he got over that, now he has a stomach bug.  yuck.  poor kid!  Hopefully he will feel good enough tomorrow to go to the kindergarten.

I have been thinking a lot about the economy.  I see many reports on CNN international about how it is around the world.  I hear it is bad at home.  Here, I see some changes too.  It is hard to be very specific, since I can only see, and can't really talk to too many Russians about the economy... my language skills are sadly lacking!  But I have noticed that the price of milk has gone down, and the price of tomatoes and cucumbers have risen dramatically.  I also see fewer people at the gym, and very few people at the salon downstairs below the fitness center.  At the salon, I see not only fewer customers, but fewer hairdressers.  When we have gone to a restaurant, there are less people eating out, and those that are there, are women usually.  Shops are reducing their hours they are open, presumably to save on operating costs.  Many workers in the oil industry have been laid off, and some, I have heard, are working for essentially no pay.  

It is a scary time... I think of the stories my grandma told me about the depression, and wonder how many of those I will re enact with the present circumstances.  Already, I have had a woman and her son come to my door and ask for food.  Of course, I gave it to them.  I had made up my mind that I wouldn't give money, but then she asked for food... It is so sad.  I can't even imagine how hard that had to be for her.  I just pray that the global economy will turn around, and will grow at an even pace.  Where there will be jobs for those who want to work, and affordable homes for them.  I wonder how people in Nizh do it.  Housing is very expensive, and food is too. I think the government helps them, but I am not sure how much or for how long.  A friend of mine told me that her mom, who has worked at the same job for 40 years (only taking off maternity leave for her two kids, and maybe a leave for sickness) is retiring this spring (not sure if it is a forced retirement or she is choosing to).  But her pension will only be about 6,000 rubles a month... which is about $166 with today's exchange rate.  I wonder how she will do it?!  I spend almost that in two trips to the grocery store.  anyway... i know i am rambling... just thought i would share.  Any thoughts???  

love, juli

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