Monday, June 18, 2007

Datcha!!!! Last weekend we were invited to our driver's datcha (house outside the city). We all went and had a blast! It was very interesting to see how they did things, like getting there--we literally drove through 1 to 2 feet of water to get there (since there has been so much rain, the river Ob has flooded). Once there, the kids played out in the garden, while Igor cooked shashlik--which is somewhat like our shish kabob. All the food was amazing!!! after we ate, we took turns going in the banya (or sauna, as we would call it). I haven't ever done that before, and it was quite an experience! I really liked it and hope we get another invitation to go back :)

1 comment:

Wendi @ Project Purple said...

Love the electric cords over the beds!