The weather is finally improving :) The trees are getting leaves, and you can even go out without your really heavy coat on! whoo hoo! Actually, i was thinking about how Lee had told me how they didn't ever mow the grass in Nizh, and I just couldn't imagine why not, and how ugly it must look. Well, now I can somewhat appreciate why they don't....you are just sooo glad to finally see green, that you don't care that it is mostly weeds, and you certainly don't want to cut of any of the precious green! Hence, i suppose, the reason why the grass looks what we americans would consider shabby. Today, though, for the first time, I wore flip flops--with jeans of course, because it is too cold to wear shorts, but i didn't think i could make it anonther day wearing my "siberian summer shoes" which are sherpa lined merrell clogs :)
The next pics are of paul. The first one is in front of a statue that is out in front of a school. The others are of him on the window ledge. This is one of his favorite places to be. He watches everything, and says, "doggie...har (car)...wow" over and over and over :) He now can tell you his name...which he pronounces "boll" and he can tell you he is 2--we taught him that because we thought it might take him until he was 2 before he could say it :)
Tonight begins the samatlor nights (i think that is what it is called)--it is the white night festival. Monday and Tuesday are holidays for celebrating this, so everyone has to work on saturday. We will take the kids out for some of the festivities, and will get some good russian pics for you to see.