Hello! Well, after too long, we are finally here!! It was a loooong journey, one that I don't care to repeat anytime soon :). There were times that I would of happily chewed off my right arm in exchange for some "kiddie valium" ha ha!!

The kids are doing well, and are adjusting quickly...minus the sleeping part. :) Paul is cutting teeth, and still can't quite sleep through the night...
Our apartment is ok, and isn't as small as I had imagined. Our washer (note that I did not say dryer--since we don't have one!) is very small, and doing laundry is NOT fun!
You can only put a little bit in at a time, and then I have to hang everything up to dry on this rack in our bedroom. It takes about a day and a half for everything to dry... The food is good here, as we can all attest to! We have not gone hungry! Well, I must go, but will post more when we get the internet at the apartment. I love you and miss you!!

1 comment:
SOO glad you made it OK and you're doing well. The kitchen looks MUCH better in this apartment than in the previous. I'm glad you still have the beautiful curtains. :) Can't wait to see more pictures! Love, Wendi
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