Friday, March 30, 2007
I had an interesting experience the other day: I had to go to the store (of course, I go every day!), and I needed to go to a different store to get diapers which was farther away. As I near the crossway, I am trying to choose a place to put my feet that isn't too wet (the snow was melted on the street, and made many large puddles). Well, being the graceful girl I am, I almost fell! But this nice Russian man offered me his hand and helped me around the puddles and across the street. I was so pleasantly suprised! I thanked him profusely, and he kept trying to talk to me....I tried as best as I could to explain that I was an American, and didn't understand russian....but he kept trying. Then, as I neared our building, I had to cross the street again under similar circumstances. This time another nice man helped me across. I was so happy to have the help, and again so surprised at how considerate the people were. Now, I had several more bags (4 liters of milk, diapers, juice, cheese, bread, cereal, etc.--I sometimes forget I have to carry it all home :) ) at this point, and as I approached the entrance to my building there were some young guys who were working. One of them said something to me, and I responded by saying, "Nyet Parusski" (no russian...), and the guy (who was pretty cute I might add :) ) held out his hands and took my bags. He and the other guy who was also working, helped me all the way to the door of my apartment! I was soooo thankful, as the darn bags were very heavy! I just didn't expect such courtesy here, but I was so happy to see that there are nice people everywhere! It made me feel good, and reminded me of the good 'ol USA! Anyway! I thought you would enjoy that one!
I miss and love you! J
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Well, today it is actually very pretty outside. It is really sunny, still cold, but it is nice to see the sun :).
Yesterday i went out and bought a mixer. i just bought a hand held one, then i had to go to another store to find a cookie sheet where i paid about $12 for the only cookie sheet in the store. I would like to try to make chocolate chip cookies, so i am TRYING to gather the ingredients for this. first, they don't have chocolate chips here, so i bough chocolate bars and will try to cut them up. then, i had to find vanilla. well, i found it, but it is sold in packets, and is powdered. no such thing as liquid vanilla in russia apparently. so, since i can't read, i have no idea how to figure how much of the powder is equivalent to the liquid. hmmmmm. baking soda was also rather hard to find here too. apparently no one here knows about cookies, they only call them cakes, and i don't know what they use, since there is a bit of a language barrier. :) i will try to make them today, so i will let you know how they turn out. at any rate, it should be interesting :)
Love, Juli
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Here is a picture of a Russian child. See how "puffed up" they are with all of their clothes, and note the fur hat! All kids here seem very well behaved, and all WALK, as in they are not carried by their parents....I am still trying to get my four year old to walk the entire time we are out....
I have compiled a list of the things I miss about home....
1. Water temperature--as in you have to keep adjusting the hot and cold in the shower becuase it doesn't stay a constant temperature
2. Wooster, peanut butter, salted butter, ketchup, powdered sugar, salsa, chips, cheddar cheese, baggies, advil and good paper towels-- I have been unable to find any of these here! My shopping list will be long when I come back to the states!
3. My clothes dryer--Ahhhh, the smell of bounce and the warmth of freshly laundered and dry(!) towels and clothes!
4. English TV--enough said.
5. Pampers cruisers--they have pampers here, but they aren't the same :(
I could probably go on and on, but those are at the top of my "most missed" list for now :) I hope you all are doing well, and are enjoying your warm weather. It is -3 here, and snowing :) Love, J
Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hi! Emma had a good 4th birthday! We celebrated at the "baby club" at church, as seen in the first 2 pics. Then we had a cake and presents at home. Emma loved her gifts and the cake of course!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Hello! Well, after too long, we are finally here!! It was a loooong journey, one that I don't care to repeat anytime soon :). There were times that I would of happily chewed off my right arm in exchange for some "kiddie valium" ha ha!!

The kids are doing well, and are adjusting quickly...minus the sleeping part. :) Paul is cutting teeth, and still can't quite sleep through the night...