It's Official!
We will be living in Nizhnevartovsk, Russia (aka: Siberia) for the next couple of years. Lee is already there, and has found us a "westernized" apartment! It is probably around 900 square feet, has 3 bedrooms, and 1 bathroom. I haven't yet seen the outside, but am told that it looks like a hole! Can't wait to see what Emma and Paul think of it :)
I plan to use this to keep you all updated on our experiences in Russia. I'll post pics when Lee sends me some good one, and will post much more frequently when the kids and I get there in the spring.
I think this will be quite an adventure, and I look forward to the many things we will learn! It should prove interesting when we hit the communication barrier...I better go learn some ruski :)
It looks like Thanksgiving has a whopping high of -5. You are going to have one heck of a tan! : )
Hey, guys!! We're so excited for you and look forward to your amazing adventure! I can't wait to hear about the first leg of your journey, especially that marathon flight with two kids in tow!! Did they partake in Benadryl, perhaps?? Or did you?? hee hee
Can't wait to hear from you!!
The Hopes
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