The kids started back to school, and have so far really enjoyed it! Paul doesn't usually like it right at first, but by the time I get him undressed and redressed, he is fine. He tells me that he now "talks russian"... I asked him what he said, and Paul told me that he says "da" (which means yes)! I think he understands most of what the kids and teachers say to him, but he obviously doesn't speak it much :) ha!

Emma adjusted quite well and very quickly! The first Monday we were here, she was invited to a birthday party. I took her, and was so mad at myself for forgetting my camera!!! It was THE most incredible 6 year old birthday party I have EVER seen! It was held at Malibu, which is a little arcade/celebration station type place. There were probably 15 or so kids, and their moms. The kids got tokens to play games, and could also play in the ball climbing pit thing and ride the bumper cars. Then we all went into this room that was all decorated and set up with about 7 small tables for the kids and one big table for the moms. The kids tables all had 3 small coke bottles, a tree with fruit arranged on it, fancy straws and juice. The adults table was about the same. The kids then sat down, drank their cokes, and then they brought in milkshakes and fried cheese, hotdogs, etc. on little platters for every table. While they were eating, they watched a 3-D movie on the movie screen. After the movie, 2 clowns came in to entertain the kids with games and songs and such. Then, they brought each child a plate with meatballs and french fries. Meanwhile, the adults were served on a huge platter in the center of the table with tons of meat and veggies on it. We were also each given a salad and juice. Then, it was cake time..... each of us got a piece of cake, and the adults were served tea. While the cake was being consumed, the kids watched 2 more 3-D movies. Then, at 9:00pm, it was time to go home. whew! I couldn't believe it! It would of cost a fortune in the states, and I can't even begin to guess how much it was here!
ok, back to school.... Emma is having fun, and is already speaking russian again. She and I are going to "teach English" to a few of her classmates 2 times a week. She is very excited about this.... we start tomorrow :)
ok, enough for now... I will post pics of the apartment next :)
Love, Juli